News Seniors

Raptors gewinnen 51:14 gegen die Capricorns

Auch das Rückrundenspiel gegen die Bad Tölz Capricorns konnten die Seniors am vergangenen Samstag für sich entscheiden, so stand es am Ende 51:14 (15:0 – 7:0 – 14:6 – 15:8) für die Gastgeber.

Sowohl die Gäste als auch die Raptors mussten aufgrund von Ferien und Verletzungen auf mehrere Spiele verzichten, die heißen Temperaturen mit über 30 Grad erschwerten das Spiel zusätzlich.

Die „Caps“ steckten die Niederlage aus der Vorrunde gut weg und lieferten bis zum Schluss einen guten Kampf, verbauten sich aber durch unnötige Strafen und Fehlern den einen oder anderen Anschluss-Touchdown.

Die Raptors wie gewohnt mit einem sehr starken Laufspiel, das immer wieder auch durch gezieltes Passplay unterstützt wird.

Die Touchdowns für die Raubsaurier erzielten:

Jason Bertrand 1x Run

Till Skudelny 2x Run / 1x Pass

Robin Götz 2x Run

Max Wenz 1x Pass


 Raptors Spiel-System produziert Punkte!

“We are happy to have this game behind us. The last two games were a logistics challenge for us, we were playing with a very thin roster, basically 18 guys – several of our impact players were missing (out of town), plus some injuries, so we had to make some key adjustments and be smart. But as always, our guys stepped up and made it happen. Our motto all year has been “Re-Load, next man up”, we don’t have starters or backup players, we have 1a, 1b, 1c and our philosophy is to simply re-load and fire at every position. Because we had so many players playing both ways and it was extremely hot, the strategy was to play our most efficient football game of the season. This means less plays as usual, smarter play calling, extending those plays and then getting the guys off the field. Our O-line averages about 9 yards per carry, this game we had 284 rushing yards, 5 players carrying the ball with an average of 12.3 yards per carry, our O-Line’s personal best and something we can be proud of. Our game goal is to always run about 80+ plays per game on the offense, this game we only ran 45, but we still were able to achieve 467 total yards and 51 points. Now it’s time to turn up the dial, we have two weeks to work hard and get prepared, we will have our full roster again and hopefully several injured players back. “Stay Humble. Stay Hungry. Stay Healthy.”! Coach Johnson

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