News Seniors

Augsburg Raptors gewinnen 63:0 gegen die Gäste aus Rosenheim.

Am Sonntag bestritten die Raubsaurier ihr zweites Heimspiel in der Saison 2015, Gegner waren die Rosenheim Rebels.

Bei exzellentem Footballwetter konnten die Raptors bereits mit dem 1. Drive in Führung gehen und bauten diese mit Ende des 1. Quarter auf 21:0 aus.

Auch im 2. Quarter wurden die Gäste sowohl durch das Angriffsteam der Raptors als auch das Verteidigungsteam dominiert und so stand es mit Beginn der Halbzeit 35:0 für die Gastgeber.

Auch im 3. Und 4. Quarter konnten die Raptors den Gästen ihr Spiel aufzwingen. So gelang es der Defense weiterhin die Endzone sauber zu halten und die „0“ stehen zu lassen. Auch die Offense erzielte durch eine gute Kombination aus Pass- und Laufspiel weitere Punkte und so hieß es bei Spielende 63:0 (21:0 – 14:0 – 14:0 – 14:0) für die Augburg Raptors.

Die Tochdowns erzielten Wide Receiver Robin Götz, der die gegnerische Endzone gleich 3x aufsuchte und dabei insgesamt 191 Passingyards erzielte sowie jeweils 1x Widereceiver Till Skudelny und Felix Hahner. Runningback Lucas Straub erkämpfte sich mit 17 Läufen und insgesamt 153 Yards gleich 2x den Weg zum Touchdown. Quarterback Jason Bertrand konnte durch eigene Läufe ebenfalls 2x Punkte auf das Scoreboard bringen.

Vielen Dank an die Rebels für ein zu jederzeit faires Spiel.

Am kommenden Wochenende ist Spielfrei und danach geht’s nach Bad Tölz zu den Capricorns um das letzte Vorrundenspiel zu bestreiten.

“This was a fun day. Now that we have a few games behind us, the guys are staying loose, confident and have the right state of mind… we all had a lot of laughs and enjoyed playing football today. It was exciting to watch, now that four of our wide receivers are back; we have a lot more fire power. Robin Götz had an incredible first day back with 191 receiving yards and 3 TD’s. I’m extremely pleased with the balance of the offense and the performance of this team. There is a lot of miss-perception about us, it seems people think that our QB is everything just because he has an “A” on his helmet and does his job. That couldn’t be farther from the truth, there is no question that Jason is a great football player, but if anyone takes a look at our stats, they well realize very quick that is an outstanding team. This game is a great example (we will post all game stats this week), we had 558 total yards, 282 rushing and 276 passing, our running back Lucas Straub had 16 carries for 153 yards and our QB  6 carries for 73 yards, not to include the 3 other rushers. Our Offense averages 9,65 yards per carry, no matter who has the ball, that is credited to a good system, game week preparation, making the correct reads, good o-line and good team blocking. This is a good team. Great players are products of those who surround them. Having said that, Jason Bertrand takes home our Offensive MVP Award, he makes good decisions, outstanding leader, made great reads and had an 80% completion ratio, throwing for 5 TD’s and running it in for 2 TD’S. A big congratulations to our O-Line for winning their game challenge, no sacks and over 8 yards per carry average, I owe them a BBQ! What can I say about our defense, another shut out performance and excellent team effort. Eric Ozofor takes home our Defensive MVP with 10 tackles. Once again though, I’ll be handing out of awards this week, these guys had 5 sacks and only allowed 7 first down conversions. We will post our stats of the last 4 games this week so our fans can take a look. We also want to say thank you for all the support, the crowds are getting bigger and we hope that the city Augsburg will rally behind us this season and be part of the journey. I’m very pleased, but I still see a lot of potential and room for improvement; we don’t expect things to get easier and our goal is to get better each week, so today its back to work in full force.” Coach Johnson

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